Bernini vs Borromini, the rivalry that shaped Rome - Virtual Guided Tour - (Recorded)

À partir de EUR 15,00 €
  • Durée: 60 Minutes (environ)
  • Code produit: VIRTUALGRP10

Bernini vs Borromini, the rivalry that shaped Rome - Virtual Guided Tour - Live Show

Rome is uniquely associated with the
Baroque Art, from Saint Peters Square to the altar of the Basilica, to the many churches and fountains and other urban baroque elements there is no corner of Rome untouched by this unique and controversial style. The Beginning of the XVII century saw two young artists contending to become the new star of baroque art and architecture and d much of the roman baroque is in fact a consequence of their cooperation and rivalry: the more classicist and formal Bernini and the more extravagant and inventive Borromini had about 20 years of challenges and achievements to dominate the eternal city as the leading architect


This Virtual Tour is pre-recorded. After purchasing access, you will receive a link to view the Virtual Tour at your convenience. You can watch the video as many times as you like; access does not expire.

The Present Video belongs to The Grand Tour Europe Ltd, and it is intended for pure education and entertainment purposes. All images, videos, locations, and artworks featured in the video are credited to their respective authors and are used exclusively for educational purposes and criticism under the fair use doctrine, with appropriate credits provided in the audio commentary. This video is for personal use only. You are not permitted to play it in public, distribute, or resell it in any manner.

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